If you have reached this post, it is probably because you want to buy an industrial oven. However, What are the keys to choosing a good industrial oven? At Hornos Jumaco & Maestro, we are going to give them to you.
First of all, you must think very well where you want to locate the oven. Once this is decided, we will be able to know exactly the space you have and thus choose the size of oven you need.
Next, we have to assess the type of power we need. It will depend on the sales volume we have, among other factors. To do this, you can call your electric company and ask for the power you currently use and calculate the amount you will add. All our ovens have low energy consumption.
Finally, we are going to take into account the product that we are going to cook. Is it artisan food? Or maybe industrial pastries, bread, pizzas or another type of product? We will need a different type of cooking depending on the food with which we are working. Each product has characteristics, a cooking temperature and its own preparation and production times.
Therefore, you can find very different industrial ovens on the market. Some have very specific uses such as for bakeries, pastry shops or pizzerias, On the other hand, others have a more general use, such as those we see in catering establishments, be they restaurants, bars or catering services.
If even after reading this post you have doubts about which is the industrial oven that best fits your business, let yourself be advised by our team. Our professionals will listen to your needs and look for the models that best suit the characteristics you are looking for.