When preparing the perfect barbecue It is essential to have a series of essential tools and accessories. This is because the secret of cooking on the grill lies in knowing control the heat of the embers and adapt it to each type of food. Since each product requires a specific temperature. Therefore, there are different tools and accessories for the ignition and fire control.
And, if we do not light and control the fire correctly, this will affect the finish and quality of our dish. That's why, from Jumaco Maestro ovens, manufacturers of grills and barbecues, we want to share with you the tools and accessories that will be your best allies during cooking.
Tools and accessories to light the fire
Surely on more than one occasion to light the fire you have helped yourself with petroleum tablets, gasoline or some type of specific solid or liquid fuel for barbecues that you can find in multiple non-specialized stores and that, in general, are not usually of very good quality.
Although this is a very common and widespread practice, the truth is that these types of products should never be used as they can leave traces of odor in the fuel.
Instead, there are tools and accessories that will help you light the fire correctly whether you are a hobby cook or a professional cook.
Chimney ignition or ember holder
If what you are looking for is to create good charcoal embers effectively and quickly, the fireplace starter or ember holder Is the best option. It is a metal cylinder with handles, ventilation holes and a grid base. Lighting the embers is as simple as placing the charcoal in the base and using a lighting tablet and that's it! In just 12 minutes the embers will be ready.
Another of the fastest, most effective and most common techniques to achieve perfect and homogeneous embers It consists of heating the coal with the help of a blowtorch.
Furthermore, it is super simple since it will only be necessary to apply the flames of the torch to the coals. And consequently the fuel, in this case coal, when subjected to such high temperatures, will ignite in a few minutes.
Tools and accessories to control fire
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the secret to perfect grilled cooking is knowing how to control and adapt the temperature of the coals to the product we are cooking. And for this you can use the following utensils that we are sure will be of great help to you.
Tongs, hook and iron
Depending on the product that we are going to cook, it will be necessary to go moving and changing the embers. For example, during cooking we may need to change from a direct ember system to an indirect one. That is, we may need to place the embers on both sides or move them all to one side.
For these cases, it is necessary to have a hook, an iron, a rake or, even some tweezers that allow us to handle the embers as we please.
Blower, bellows, ashes and shovel
To adapt the heat of the embers to the food that we are cooking, there will be times that we have to increase the temperature of the embers and others that we must lower it. But how? We'll give you a hint: the key is in the oxygen.
In other words, if we want to increase or reduce the temperature of the embers, we must play with the oxygen. If what we are looking for is increase the temperature we will have to provide more air to the coals, which is achieved with a blower or with a bellows.
However, if what we want is lower the temperature we will have to do the opposite, remove oxygen from the embers. For this the best way is cover the embers with ashes (which we can go saved from previous barbecues). In this way we manage to reduce combustion and lower the temperature. To throw the ashes we recommend that you help yourself with a shovel.
Also, you can apply this last technique as protection system Yes sometime you can't watch the fire. Since by covering the embers with the ashes we prevent any spark from jumping from the grill and causing a fire.
At Jumaco Maestro we are specialists in barbecues Y grills. If you are thinking of getting one or renewing the one you have, do not hesitate to contact with us. Our specialists will advise you on choosing the barbecue that best suits your needs and, furthermore, if none of our models fit you, we can manufacture one for you. tailored so that it adapts completely to you.
Benayas, JM, Celada, E., & Hernández, A. (2018). Between embers: the secrets of the fire kitchen. Planet.