He smoked is a culinary technique considered by many an art and that consists of play with aromatic woods and temperature to generate a smoke to which to submit to foods for hours to impregnate them with that characteristic smell, taste and color.
Furthermore, it is a technique Very versatile since with her a wide variety of foods can be smoked from meat and fish to cheese, butter and even chocolate and that also allows make multiple recipes with which to surprise and delight our palate and that of our guests.
The list of foods that can be smoked would surprise you since practically all ingredients can be smoked, both solid and liquid: ribs, chicken, lamb, sausages, sausages, cheeses, sauces, salmon, tuna, squid, peppers, asparagus and many other vegetables, wines, oils, salts. Everything can be smoked.
And the best thing is that the smoked does not require great knowledge and his technique is quite simple. However, it is necessary to have some basic notions so that the result is as expected and nothing fails during the process. That's why, from Hornos Jumaco, barbecue manufacturers and smokers, we want to share with you all the keys to prepare the best smoked.
Types of smoked
Before starting to talk about how to prepare smoked foods, it is important to mention that there are two types of smoked foods: hot smoked and the cold smoked
The main difference between the two types resides in the temperature: while in hot smoking the temperature must be higher than 25orC (between 60 and 100orC) in cold smoking never exceed 25orc.
This is because cold smoking is used for foods that cannot be subjected to high temperatures because they could melt, such as cheese, butter or chocolate. In other words, cold smoking only gives products a smoky flavor, but does not cook them.
Meanwhile he hot smoked, generally used for meat and fish, yes cooks food while smoking.
In addition, the instruments used are different. For cold smoking, spiral smokers or cold smoking boxes are used. And hot smoking can be achieved with different kitchen systems grilled as barbecues and smoker, as long as they have a lid to retain the smoke.
However, in this article we will focus only in hot smoking.
Hot smoking: everything you need to know
As we mentioned, to smoke hot we need reach a temperature between 60 and 100orC. Once we achieve the necessary temperature we will simply have to make sure keep it for hours adding wet aromatic woods to the embers. Since you are in contact with the fire, they are the ones that generate the smoke that will cook and perfume the food at the same time.
But how much wood do we need for smoking? The amount of wood it will depend of the smoking time that we need and the degree of smoking that we want to achieve. The longer the smoking time and the higher the intensity, the higher the proportion of wood.
How to smoke food on the barbecue?
Smoking on the barbecue is very simple:
- The first step is prepare our barbecue until it reaches a high temperature but less than 100orc.
- Later, with the embers placed in indirect system and alone on one side of the barbecue, we will go on to introduce the wet aromatic wood chips on the coalsyes we will put the top.
- Finally, we put the food that we want to smoke in the opposite side from the embers and let it cook and aromatize slowly.
It is very important that, so that the smoke permeates the food well, we place the barbecue lid with the valve or smoke outlet right in the area in which are the foods.
How to smoke food in the smoker or smoker?
In the case of smokers and smokers keep in mind that there are Two types of smokers: the horizontal ones and the vertical ones. Since the steps to follow vary from one model to another.
If you smoker it has shape of vertical cylinder You will see that it has a bowl inside that fills of water and that is responsible for controlling the temperature and preventing the products that we are going to smoke from staying dry. It is also important that you know that it works with briquetted coal and that the temperature of the embers cannot exceed 100orc. Once the embers are prepared, the aromatic woods are added and the food is placed.
If, on the other hand, you smoker it is horizontal you will have to place the embers and the aromatic wood in the lower chamber and in the upper house the food that you want to smoke Both chambers are connected and in this way the smoke passes from the lower chamber to the chamber where the products are located to aromatize them. The smoking process can last up to 24 hours, but the wait is worth it since it is possible to cook and smoke at a low temperature with exceptional results.
In Jumaco Maestro ovens we have a wide range of barbecues and smokers. In addition, we can also manufacture them to measure so that they adapt perfectly to your needs. Do not doubt contact us now. Our specialists will help you choose the best barbecue or the best smoker so you can prepare the most exquisite smoked foods.
Benayas, JM, Celada, E., & Hernández, A. (2018). Between embers: the secrets of the fire kitchen. Planet.